Wednesday, 7 September 2011

I won...twice

Not quite the lottery but still, I never won anything then I won twice in one week.

There is is a really nice quarterly, online magazine called Nuno which  is loaded with with patterns and instructions for sewing, knitting and other crafty projects, but the reason I like it so  much is that all the projects use recycled materials. I discovered the magazine a few months ago but our finances have been so tight (particularly for the last year) that I couldn't even justify (to myself) spending the $5 that the magazine costs. Instead I read accompanying blog; checking out the sneak peeks and taking advantage of the occasional free tutorial...and of course, entering a give away when it came along. The most recent of which was for theses Matchbox Dioramas, which was my first win of the week.

Image from Painted Desert by Nuno

Each box was filled with little hand carved beads (which Lily loves) and have now found a happy place to live on a shelf next to Lily's wooden 3D pyramid seemed like a fitting place for them.

Picture from this Nuno blog post
As if original (and featured) art work was not exiting enough, later the same week, in a give away from Sew, Mama, Sew! I won the actual magazine. Woo hoo, finally I can have a look at the whole thing. I guess most people will be getting upcycled gifts from me this winter. Here is a peek inside the magazine at some of the things my dear friends and family can look forward to receiving.

What a great distraction to receive right at the start of the school year.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I'm do glad you are enjoying your winnings!

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